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Dysarthria and Apraxia 

Dysarthria and apraxia are two different conditions that can affect a person's ability to produce speech and communicate effectively.


Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder that is caused by damage to the muscles and nerves used for speech. It can affect a person's ability to produce clear and distinct sounds, and can cause their speech to be slow, slurred, or difficult to understand.


Apraxia, on the other hand, is a neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to plan and coordinate the movements needed for speech. This can cause a person to have difficulty producing specific sounds, words, or phrases, and can make their speech halting or hesitant.


Keep scrolling for what to expect out of a session. For further information contact me or to book in directly book here.

What should you expect?

We will complete an assessment and interview to determine the nature of your motor speech disorder. Working together we can develop a treatment plan that is centered on your priorities.


Speech pathologists can use a variety of techniques and strategies to help individuals with dysarthria and apraxia improve their speech and communication abilities. This may include:

  • Exercises to improve breath control and vocal strength: By strengthening the muscles used for speech, individuals with dysarthria and apraxia can improve their ability to produce clear and distinct sounds (Rosenbek et al., 1996).

  • Strategies for improving clarity and intelligibility: Speech-language pathologists can teach individuals with dysarthria and apraxia techniques for making their speech more clear and understandable, such as speaking more slowly and enunciating words clearly (Gierut, 2015).

  • Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC): For individuals with severe dysarthria and apraxia, it may be difficult for them to produce speech that is understandable. In these cases, speech-language pathologists can provide guidance on using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) methods, such as communication boards or speech-generating devices, to help individuals express themselves and communicate effectively (Beukelman & Mirenda, 2013).

Overall, the goal of treatment for dysarthria and apraxia is to improve an individual's speech and communication abilities, and to help them communicate more effectively. By working with a speech-language pathologist, individuals with these conditions can improve their quality of life and better manage their condition.



  • Beukelman, D. R., & Mirenda, P. (2013). Augmentative and alternative communication: supporting children and adults with complex communication needs (4th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

  • Gierut, J. A. (2015). Treating speech sound disorders in children: A systematic approach to treatment (4th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.

  • Rosenbek, J. C., Wertz, R. T., Woods, D. L., & Kahlaoui, K. (1996). Apraxia of speech: diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. In J. L. Darley, M. Aronson, & N. Chasin (Eds.), The voice and voice therapy (pp. 277-292). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

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